Publications (782)

This is a list of peer-reviewed articles and book chapters using the Manifesto Project data.
This list is mostly based on a systematic review of articles from eight major political science journals using the Manifesto Project Dataset. You can find the exact analysis at our webpage: 'Scope, Range, and Extent of Manifesto Project Data Usage: A Survey of Publications in Eight High-Impact Journals' .
If your published Manifesto-Project based research is missing here, let us know by sending a link to your article or book chapter to

Year Citation Keywords
2024 Vogeler, C. S., & Parth, A.-M. (2024). An elephant in the room? Explaining agenda-setting in antimicrobial resistance policies in 30 European countries. Social Science \&Amp; Medicine, 117164. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2024.117164 substantive research
2024 Dennison, J. (2024). \textit{Europhoria!} Explaining Britain’s Pro-European Moment, 1988–1992. Political Studies, 00323217241266032. doi: 10.1177/00323217241266032 substantive research
2024 Gibbons, M. (2024). Party priorities in different pre-election New Zealand policy statements, 1984-2023. Political Science, 1–32. doi: 10.1080/00323187.2024.2376528 methodological research
2024 Braun, D., & Reinl, A.-K. (2024). Political Parties’ Emphasis on Sovereignty in Crisis Times for Europe. In F. Weber, O. Kühne, & J. Dittel (Eds.), Transformation Processes in Europe and Beyond (pp. 187–212). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-42894-5_9 substantive research
2024 Zohlnhöfer, R., Jathe, J., & Engler, F. (2024). A return of economic intervention in advanced democracies after the financial and economic crisis (2008/2009)? Governance, gove.12880. doi: 10.1111/gove.12880 substantive research
2024 Taschwer, M. T., Ennser-Jedenastik, L., & Reidinger, V. (2024). Social democracy transformed? Party change and union ties. West European Politics, 1–28. doi: 10.1080/01402382.2024.2367386 substantive research
2024 Arora-Jonsson, S., Wezel, F. C., Karthikeyan, S. I., & Barberio, V. (2024). Losing Their Religion: Organizational Identity Hybridization of British Political Parties 1950–2015. Journal Of Management, 01492063241248403. doi: 10.1177/01492063241248403 substantive research
2024 Wright, K. (2024). Position, salience and rhetoric: the strategic tools employed by the main Scottish political parties in the post-devolution era. British Politics. doi: 10.1057/s41293-024-00257-2 substantive research
2021 Kohl, S., & Ergen, T. (2021). Is More Mittelstand the Answer? Firm Size and the Crisis of Democratic Capitalism. Analyse \&Amp; Kritik, 43(1), 41–70. doi: 10.1515/auk-2021-0004 substantive research
2024 Horn, A., & Kohl, S. (2024). Beyond trade-offs: Exploring the changing interplay of public and private welfare provision in old age and health in the historical long-run. Journal Of European Social Policy, 09589287241245656. doi: 10.1177/09589287241245656 substantive research
2024 Sebők, M., Máté, Á., Ring, O., Kovács, V., & Lehoczki, R. (2024). Leveraging Open Large Language Models for Multilingual Policy Topic Classification: The Babel Machine Approach. Social Science Computer Review, 08944393241259434. doi: 10.1177/08944393241259434 methodological research
2022 Müller, S. (2022). The Temporal Focus of Campaign Communication. The Journal Of Politics, 84(1), 585–590. doi: 10.1086/715165 substantive research
2024 Ellger, F., & Klüver, H. (2024). Adopting restriction: how coalition governments respond to radical right parties. West European Politics, 1–33. doi: 10.1080/01402382.2024.2341352 substantive research
2024 Baraldi, F. (2024). Should I Pay, Or Should I Quash? The Role of Governments’ Ideology in Ransom Payment. Defence And Peace Economics, 1–20. doi: 10.1080/10242694.2024.2352674 substantive research
2024 Luypaert, J. (2024). Navigating new realities: Explaining programmatic transitions of mainstream and niche parties. International Political Science Review, 01925121241237524. doi: 10.1177/01925121241237524 substantive research
2024 Abreu Rivera, L. F., & Piatkowska, S. J. (2024). Immigrant threat, perception of unsafety, and political articulation of immigration and multiculturalism in European countries. European Journal Of Criminology, 14773708241248256. doi: 10.1177/14773708241248256 substantive research
2024 Traber, D. (2024). Polarisation or convergence? How the economy shapes party policy positions. Journal Of European Public Policy, 1–26. doi: 10.1080/13501763.2024.2342415 substantive research
2024 Ruprecht, S., & Zumbrunn, A. (2024). Not Tough Enough? Gender Stereotypes and Vote Choice in Switzerland. Journal Of Women, Politics \&Amp; Policy, 1–17. doi: 10.1080/1554477X.2024.2338587 substantive research
2024 Yordanova, N., & Zhelyazkova, A. (2024). Delegating legislative powers to the European Commission: the threat of non-compliance with tertiary legislation in the member states. Journal Of Public Policy, 1–24. doi: 10.1017/S0143814X24000096 substantive research
2024 Costello, R. (2024). Auction politics: Party competition and expansionary election promises. European Journal Of Political Research, 1475–6765.12678. doi: 10.1111/1475-6765.12678 substantive research
2024 Budge, I., & McDonald, M. D. (2024). Specifying and Contextualising Predictive Theories of Democratic Policy Representation. Political Studies Review, 14789299241231776. doi: 10.1177/14789299241231776 substantive research
2024 Lindqvist, J. (2024). Eastern Europe is no exception: acceptance of inequality and left–right politics. Acta Politica. doi: 10.1057/s41269-024-00332-y substantive research
2024 Kim, Y. (2024). The Development of Party Organizations in New Democracies: Evidence from South Korea. In T. Poguntke & W. Hofmeister (Eds.), Political Parties and the Crisis of Democracy - Organization, Resilience, and Reform (pp. 401–426). Oxford: Oxford University Press. substantive research
2024 García-Viñuela, E., Motz, N., & Riera, P. (2024). Voting for trade protectionist parties: Evidence from nine waves of the European Social Survey. European Union Politics, 14651165241237611. doi: 10.1177/14651165241237611 substantive research
2024 Ivanusch, C. (2024). Where do parties talk about what? Party issue salience across communication channels. West European Politics, 1–27. doi: 10.1080/01402382.2024.2322234 substantive research
2024 Davis, B., Goodliffe, J., & Hawkins, K. (2024). The Two-Way Effects of Populism on Affective Polarization. Comparative Political Studies, 00104140241237453. doi: 10.1177/00104140241237453 substantive research
2024 Matsunaga, M. (2024). Are right‐wing populists more likely to justify political violence? European Journal Of Political Research, 1475–6765.12668. doi: 10.1111/1475-6765.12668 substantive research
2024 Finseraas, H., & Nyhus, O. H. (2024). The political consequences of technological change that benefits low-skilled workers. Political Science Research And Methods, 1–17. doi: 10.1017/psrm.2024.5 substantive research
2024 Hansen, M., & Olsen, J. (2024). Political entrepreneurship in the age of dealignment: the populist far-right alternative for Germany. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. substantive research
2023 Massetti, C. (2023). The role of distinctiveness in party survival and support (Doctoral Thesis). University of Essex, Essex. Retrieved from substantive research
2024 Fernández-i-Marín, X., Hinterleitner, M., Knill, C., & Steinebach, Y. (2024). Testing theories of policy growth: public demands, interest group politics, electoral competition, and institutional fragmentation. Journal Of European Public Policy, 1–26. doi: 10.1080/13501763.2024.2317358 substantive research
2024 Angelucci, D., Carrieri, L., & Improta, M. (2024). ‘No Participation Without Representation’: The Impact of Descriptive and Substantive Representation on the Age-Related Turnout Gap. Political Studies, 00323217241229316. doi: 10.1177/00323217241229316 substantive research
2013 Koop, R., & Bittner, A. (2013). Parties and Elections after 2011: The Fifth Canadian Party System? In A. Bittner & R. Koop (Eds.), Parties, Elections, and the Future of Canadian Politics (pp. 308–331). University of British Columbia Press. doi: 10.59962/9780774824101-017 substantive research
2024 Haag, M., Hurka, S., & Kaplaner, C. (2024). Policy complexity and implementation performance in the European Union. Regulation \&Amp; Governance, n/a(n/a). doi: substantive research
2024 Ramos-González, J. (2024). All roads lead to Rome? Analysing the electoral performance of populist radical left parties in Europe (2008-2018): a fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis. Journal Of Contemporary European Studies, 1–16. doi: 10.1080/14782804.2024.2311205 substantive research
2024 Pipal, C., Bakker, B. N., Schumacher, G., & Van Der Velden, M. A. C. G. (2024). Tone in politics is not systematically related to macro trends, ideology, or experience. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 3241. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-49618-9 substantive research
2024 Auer, D., & Schaub, M. (2024). Mass Emigration and the Erosion of Liberal Democracy. International Studies Quarterly, 68(2), sqae026. doi: 10.1093/isq/sqae026 substantive research
2024 Schütz, C., & Pape, U. (2024). Are investors afraid of populism? Finance Research Letters, 61, 105049. doi: 10.1016/ substantive research
2024 Martin, D., & Nai, A. (2024). Deepening the rift: Negative campaigning fosters affective polarization in multiparty elections. Electoral Studies, 102745. doi: 10.1016/j.electstud.2024.102745 substantive research
2024 Debus, M., & Tuttnauer, O. (2024). Negative campaign statements, coalition heterogeneity, and the support for government parties. Electoral Studies, 87, 102738. doi: 10.1016/j.electstud.2023.102738 substantive research
2024 Manucci, L. (2024). They shall not pass? The role of supply-side factors in the electoral breakthrough of VOX and Chega. European Politics And Society, 25(4), 701–719. doi: 10.1080/23745118.2024.2303322 substantive research
2024 Johnston, A. (2024). So Right It’s Wrong? Right Governments, Far Right Populism, and Investment Risk. Comparative Political Studies, 00104140231223742. doi: 10.1177/00104140231223742 substantive research
2023 Bäck, H., Bergman, M. E., & Müller, W. C. (2023). Coalition bargaining time and governments’ policy‐making productivity. European Journal Of Political Research, 1475–6765.12651. doi: 10.1111/1475-6765.12651 substantive research
2024 Kurella, A.-S., & Rapp, M. (2024). Combining voter preferences with party position estimates from different sources for studying voting behavior and representation. Electoral Studies, 87, 102734. doi: 10.1016/j.electstud.2023.102734 methodological research
2023 Radtke, I., & Seyfried, M. (2023). Control pliers in principal‐agent relations: An investigation of hardship commissions in the German asylum administration. Social Policy \&Amp; Administration, spol.12988. doi: 10.1111/spol.12988 substantive research
2023 Joosten, M. A. (2023). Pressuring Platforms: How party programs shape and are shaped (Doctoral Thesis). Université de Genève. Retrieved from substantive research
2023 Scalera, J. E., & Clifton, A. M. (2023). Populism in Pink: How Marine Le Pen’s Revised Rhetoric Closes the Radical Right Gender Gap. Questions In Politics, X, 46–57. substantive research
2023 Johnston, S. A. T. (2023). Fixing the boundary of a nation: how the European Union influences nationalism in contemporary Europe. Comparative European Politics. doi: 10.1057/s41295-023-00371-3 substantive research
2024 Fernández‐I‐Marín, X., Knill, C., & Steinebach, Y. (2024). Do parties matter for policy accumulation? An analysis of social policy portfolios in 22 countries. European Journal Of Political Research, 63(3), 1175–1196. doi: 10.1111/1475-6765.12642 substantive research
2023 Zollinger, D., & Traber, D. (2023). The Ideological Space in Swiss Politics: Voters, Parties, and Realignment. In P. Emmenegger, F. Fossati, S. Häusermann, Y. Papadopoulos, P. Sciarini, & A. Vatter (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Swiss Politics (1st ed., pp. 116–136). Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780192871787.013.1 substantive research
2023 Partheymüller, J., & Walter, S. (2023). Voting for the Populist Radical-Right in Austria and Germany: A Comparative Analysis. In T. Faas, S. Huber, M. Krewel, & S. Roßteutscher (Eds.), Informationsflüsse, Wahlen und Demokratie: Festschrift für Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck (pp. 533–558). Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH \& Co. KG. doi: 10.5771/9783748915553 substantive research
2023 Armingeon, K. (2023). Liberalisierungspolitik in wirtschaftlich hochentwickelten Demokratien: Die Salienz eines politischen Themas als Reformbremse. In T. Faas, S. Huber, M. Krewel, & S. Roßteutscher (Eds.), Informationsflüsse, Wahlen und Demokratie: Festschrift für Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck (pp. 413–425). Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH \& Co. KG. doi: 10.5771/9783748915553 substantive research
2023 Bos, L., Hopp, F. R., & Sheets, P. (2023). Populist Moralization of Foreign Policy Issues. In C. Lacatus, G. Meibauer, & G. Löfflmann (Eds.), Political Communication and Performative Leadership (pp. 27–48). Cham: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-41640-8_2 substantive research
2023 Marini, S. (2023). Do more inclusive parties change less? Intraparty democracy and programmatic change. West European Politics, 1–27. doi: 10.1080/01402382.2023.2272117 substantive research
2023 Liu, Z., Chen, H., Kong, X., Wen, C., Chen, J., Liu, S., & Yang, Z. (2023). SegRewardGraph: unsupervised teaching video story segmentation method based on subtitle length-rewarding strategy and semantic relatedness graphs. Multimedia Tools And Applications, 83(17), 52509–52534. doi: 10.1007/s11042-023-17523-y methodological research
2023 Jeannet, A.-M., & Dražanová, L. (2023). Blame it on my youth: the origins of attitudes towards immigration. Acta Politica. doi: 10.1057/s41269-023-00314-6 substantive research
2023 Bergman, M. E., & Hjermitslev, I. B. (2023). 20 years of niche parties being ‘fundamentally different’: Party constituency versus mean voter representation on multiple issues. Party Politics, 13540688231206442. doi: 10.1177/13540688231206442 substantive research
2023 Ivanusch, C., Zehnter, L., & Burst, T. (2023). Communicating in an eventful campaign: A case study of party press releases during the German federal election campaign 2021. Electoral Studies, 86, 102703. doi: 10.1016/j.electstud.2023.102703 substantive research
2023 Nonnemacher, J., & Spoon, J.-J. (2023). Overcoming the cost of governance? Junior party strategy in multi-level politics. Party Politics, 13540688231208080. doi: 10.1177/13540688231208080 substantive research
2023 Gross, M., Müller, J., Stecker, C., & Debus, M. (2023). Navigating complexity: exploring the changing dynamics of coalition avoidance in Germany, 1946–2023. Regional \&Amp; Federal Studies, 1–23. doi: 10.1080/13597566.2023.2268532 substantive research
2023 Lu, X. (2023). Coalition politics in German foreign policymaking. China International Strategy Review, 5(2), 256–273. doi: 10.1007/s42533-023-00141-6 substantive research
2023 Nikolaev, D., Ceron, T., & Padó, S. (2023). Multilingual estimation of political-party positioning: From label aggregation to long-input Transformers. Presented at Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (pp. 9497–9511). Singapore: Association for Computational Linguistics. doi: 10.18653/v1/2023.emnlp-main.591 methodological research
2023 Diaf, S. (2023). CommunityFish: A Poisson-based Document Scaling With Hierarchical Clustering. Presented at Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Natural Language and Speech Processing (ICNLSP 2023) (pp. 59–67). Online. Retrieved from methodological research
2023 Ceron, T., Nikolaev, D., & Padó, S. (2023). Additive manifesto decomposition: A policy domain aware method for understanding party positioning. Presented at Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023 (pp. 7874–7890). Toronto, Canada: Association for Computational Linguistics. doi: 10.18653/v1/2023.findings-acl.499 methodological research
2023 Rachuj, M., Jahn, D., & Müller, S. (2023). The impact of strategies on the vote share of new parties (1st Edition). Baden-Baden: Nomos. doi: 10.5771/9783748938958 substantive research
2023 van Vliet, L. (2023). Digital soapboxes: Analyzing Twitter politics across 26 countries (Doctoral Thesis). University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam. Retrieved from substantive research
2023 Demyanenko, N., & La Mura, P. (2023). Gamson–Shapley Laws: a formal approach to parliamentary coalition formation. Humanities And Social Sciences Communications, 10(1), 710. doi: 10.1057/s41599-023-02207-7 substantive research
2024 Fink, S. (2024). Party politics and the shaping of migration policy in the Council of Ministers. European Policy Analysis, 10(1), 128–151. doi: 10.1002/epa2.1193 substantive research
2023 Fleischer, J., Bezes, P., & Yesilkagit, K. (2023). Political time in public bureaucracies: Explaining variation of structural duration in European governments. Public Administration Review, 83(6), 1813–1832. doi: 10.1111/puar.13740 substantive research
2023 Røed, M., Allern, E. H., & Hansen, V. W. (2023). Party–Interest Group Ties and Patterns of Political Influence. Political Studies, 00323217231202596. doi: 10.1177/00323217231202596 substantive research
2023 Jungkunz, S., Fastenrath, F., & Marx, P. (2023). Politicization of redistributive policies and political behavior of the poor in German elections. Electoral Studies, 86, 102704. doi: 10.1016/j.electstud.2023.102704 substantive research
2024 Alfano, V., & Ercolano, S. (2024). Unveiling the Real Madrid effect: the impact of football-related acrimony on elections. Economia Politica, 41(1), 203–227. doi: 10.1007/s40888-023-00317-8 substantive research
2024 Müller, S., & Proksch, S.-O. (2024). Nostalgia in European Party Politics: A Text-Based Measurement Approach. British Journal Of Political Science, 54(3), 993–1005. doi: 10.1017/S0007123423000571 substantive research
2023 Horncastle, W. C. (2023). Competition, scandal, or ideology? A congruence analysis of Australian political finance reforms (1980–2020). Party Politics, 13540688231202600. doi: 10.1177/13540688231202600 substantive research
2023 Furuta, J., Meyer, J. W., & Bromley, P. (2023). Education in a Postliberal World Society. In P. Mattei, X. Dumay, E. Mangez, & J. Behrend (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Education and Globalization (1st ed., pp. 96–118). Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780197570685.013.27 substantive research
2023 Bez, C., Bosetti, V., Colantone, I., & Zanardi, M. (2023). Exposure to international trade lowers green voting and worsens environmental attitudes. Nature Climate Change, 13(10), 1131–1135. doi: 10.1038/s41558-023-01789-z substantive research
2023 Cova, J. (2023). Politicizing the minimum wage: A multilingual text analysis of minimum wages in European electoral manifestos. Journal Of European Social Policy, 33(4), 469–483. doi: 10.1177/09589287231199561 substantive research
2023 Wang, C. (2023). Move First to Avoid the Worst: Leadership Turnover and the Targeting of New Leaders. International Studies Quarterly, 67(4), sqad072. doi: 10.1093/isq/sqad072 substantive research
2023 Malang, T., & Ohliger, V. (2023). Voting in the shadow of Russian aggression. Evidence from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe 2012–2016. The Journal Of Legislative Studies, 1–30. doi: 10.1080/13572334.2023.2253413 substantive research
2023 Braun, D., & Reinl, A.-K. (2023). Arising calls for national sovereignty in times of European crises and the political Zeitenwende. Zeitschrift Für Politikwissenschaft, 33(3), 499–506. doi: 10.1007/s41358-023-00355-5 substantive research
2023 Gessler, T., & Hunger, S. (2023). The Politicization of Immigration and Radical Right Party Politics in Germany. In Contemporary Germany and the Fourth Wave of Far-Right Politics (1st ed., pp. 115–139). London: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781003120049-9 substantive research
2023 May, A. C., & Czymara, C. S. (2023). Careless whisper: Political elite discourses activate national identities for far‐right voting preferences. Nations And Nationalism, nana.12985. doi: 10.1111/nana.12985 substantive research
2024 Ellger, F. (2024). The Mobilizing Effect of Party System Polarization. Evidence From Europe. Comparative Political Studies, 57(8), 1310–1338. doi: 10.1177/00104140231194059 substantive research
2024 Dumont, P., Falcó-Gimeno, A., Indridason, I. H., & Bischof, D. (2024). Pieces of the puzzle? Coalition formation and tangential preferences. West European Politics, 47(1), 61–87. doi: 10.1080/01402382.2023.2234236 substantive research
2024 Luypaert, J., & Legein, T. (2024). When do parties reform? Causes of programmatic-, organizational- and personnel party reforms in the Belgian mainstream parties. Acta Politica, 59(1), 42–76. doi: 10.1057/s41269-022-00280-5 substantive research
2023 Giuliani, G. A., & Rizza, R. (2023). Italy and Spain at a crossroads: the politics of active social policies in southern Europe under a gender perspective. International Journal Of Sociology and Social Policy, 43(13/14), 161–182. doi: 10.1108/IJSSP-05-2023-0116 substantive research
2024 Greene, Z. D., & Licht, A. A. (2024). Donor political preferences and the allocation of aid: Patterns in recipient type. Conflict Management And Peace Science, 41(2), 155–176. doi: 10.1177/07388942231195300 substantive research
2023 Palau, A. M., De Giorgi, E., Muñoz, L., & Cancela, J. (2023). The Effect of Ideological Distance on Voting Behaviour in Parliament Under Changing Economic Conditions: A Comparison Between Portugal and Spain. Representation, 1–27. doi: 10.1080/00344893.2023.2237045 substantive research
2023 Trzcielińska-Polus, A. (2023). Ideological-Programmatic Cohesion. In K. Zuba (Ed.), The Polish Delegation in the European Parliament (pp. 145–167). Cham: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-28271-3_8 substantive research
2024 Franchino, F. (2024). International oversight of fiscal discipline. European Journal Of Political Research, 63(1), 281–302. doi: 10.1111/1475-6765.12600 substantive research
2023 Barth, E., Finseraas, H., Kjelsrud, A., & Moene, K. (2023). Openness and the welfare state: risk and income effects in protection without protectionism. European Journal Of Political Economy, 79, 102405. doi: 10.1016/j.ejpoleco.2023.102405 substantive research
2023 Hornig, E.-C. (2023). Die Reaktion der deutschen Parteien auf die Flüchtlingskrise 2015 – Eine Langzeitanalyse der Dynamik von Parteipositionen. In C.-P. Chu & S.-C. Park (Eds.), Einwanderungspolitik und Krise im regionalen Kontext (pp. 181–201). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore. doi: 10.1007/978-981-19-8084-8_10 substantive research
2023 Malang, T., & Schraff, D. (2023). How differentiated integration shapes the constraining dissensus. Journal Of European Public Policy, 1–29. doi: 10.1080/13501763.2023.2229377 substantive research
2024 Schwörer, J. (2024). Mainstream parties and global warming: What determines parties’ engagement in climate protection? European Journal Of Political Research, 63(1), 303–325. doi: 10.1111/1475-6765.12602 substantive research
2023 Anderson, N., Commins, A., & Whitten-Woodring, J. (2023). Fostering Bottom-Up Censorship From the Top-Down: Nationalism and Media Restrictions. The International Journal Of Press/Politics, 194016122311723. doi: 10.1177/19401612231172306 substantive research
2023 Garritzmann, J. L., & Seng, K. (2023). The politics of (de)liberalization: studying partisan effects using mixed-effects models. Political Science Research And Methods, 1–17. doi: 10.1017/psrm.2023.35 substantive research
2023 Palau, A. M., Casas, A., & Muñoz, L. (2023). To amend or not to amend: under what circumstances do Spanish legislators propose amendments to executive bills? West European Politics, 1–28. doi: 10.1080/01402382.2023.2241253 substantive research
2023 Luke, S. (2023). What does it mean to be pro-European? The case of the European centre-left and centre-right in Austria, Germany and the UK. Party Politics, 13540688231198794. doi: 10.1177/13540688231198794 substantive research
2023 Dobeson, A., & Kohl, S. (2023). The moral economy of land: from land reform to ownership society, 1880–2018. Socio-Economic Review, mwad048. doi: 10.1093/ser/mwad048 substantive research
2023 Polacko, M. (2023). Turning off the base: Social democracy's neoliberal turn, income inequality, and turnout. Politics \&Amp; Policy, 51(4), 538–568. doi: 10.1111/polp.12550 substantive research
2023 Polk, J., & Rosén, G. (2023). Trade and the transnational cleavage in European party politics. Journal Of European Public Policy, 1–27. doi: 10.1080/13501763.2023.2245443 substantive research
2023 Berger, V. T., & Jäger, F. (2023). Do electoral candidates reflect or select campaign issues? The influence of electoral manifestos on online communication. Party Politics, 13540688231194704. doi: 10.1177/13540688231194704 substantive research
2023 Ellger, F., Klüver, H., & Alberto, A. (2023). The electoral consequences of policy-making in coalition governments. Research \&Amp; Politics, 10(3), 20531680231188266. doi: 10.1177/20531680231188266 substantive research
2023 Dumont, P., Falcó-Gimeno, A., Indridason, I. H., & Bischof, D. (2023). Pieces of the puzzle? Coalition formation and tangential preferences. West European Politics, 1–26. doi: 10.1080/01402382.2023.2234236 substantive research
2023 Mussel, J. D., & Schlechta, H. (2023). Australia: No party convergence where we would most expect it. Party Politics, 13540688231189363. doi: 10.1177/13540688231189363 substantive research
2023 Svraka, D. (2023). Targeted Nativism: Ethnic Diversity and Radical Right Parties in Europe. Government And Opposition, 1–22. doi: 10.1017/gov.2023.27 substantive research
2023 Malang, T., & Schraff, D. (2023). How differentiated integration shapes the constraining dissensus. Journal Of European Public Policy, 1–29. doi: 10.1080/13501763.2023.2229377 substantive research
2023 Ershova, A., Yordanova, N., & Khokhlova, A. (2023). Constraining the European Commission to please the public: responsiveness through delegation choices. Journal Of European Public Policy, 1–25. doi: 10.1080/13501763.2023.2224399 substantive research
2023 Hjermitslev, I. B., & Krauss, S. (2023). Perceptual Consequences of Portfolios: How Allocation Affects Left–Right Placement. Government And Opposition, 1–18. doi: 10.1017/gov.2023.24 substantive research
2023 Mai, P. (2023). Division of labour and dissenting voting behaviour of MPs in a ‘working parliament.’ European Political Science Review, 1–18. doi: 10.1017/S1755773923000152 substantive research
2023 Schwörer, J., & Fernández-García, B. (2023). Climate Sceptics or Climate Nationalists? Understanding and Explaining Populist Radical Right Parties’ Positions towards Climate Change (1990–2022). Political Studies, 003232172311764. doi: 10.1177/00323217231176475 substantive research
2023 Albarello, A. (2023). Coalition policy in multiparty governments: whose preferences prevail. Political Science Research And Methods, 1–18. doi: 10.1017/psrm.2023.15 substantive research
2023 Franchino, F. (2023). International oversight of fiscal discipline. European Journal Of Political Research, 1475–6765.12600. doi: 10.1111/1475-6765.12600 substantive research
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2023 Suzuki, M. (2023). The punitive impact of radical right populism on foreign aid: immigration pressure and mainstream partnership. European Political Science Review, 1–20. doi: 10.1017/S1755773923000073 substantive research
2023 Wang, Y. (2023). Topic Classification for Political Texts with Pretrained Language Models. Political Analysis, 1–7. doi: 10.1017/pan.2023.3 methodological research
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2021 Schwalbach, J. (2021). Going in circles? The influence of the electoral cycle on the party behaviour in parliament. European Political Science Review, 14(1), 36–55. doi: 10.1017/S1755773921000291 substantive research
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2021 Olbrich, E., & Banisch, S. (2021). The Rise of Populism and the Reconfiguration of the German Political Space. Frontiers In Big Data, 4, 1–20. Retrieved from methodological research, substantive research
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2021 Emanuele, V. (2021). Lost in Translation? Class Cleavage Roots and Left Electoral Mobilization in Western Europe. Perspectives On Politics, 1–19. doi: 10.1017/S1537592721000943 substantive research
2021 Reinl, A.-K., & Giebler, H. (2021). Transnational solidarity among political elites: what determines support for financial redistribution within the EU in times of crisis? European Political Science Review, 13(3), 371–390. doi: 10.1017/S1755773921000138 substantive research
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2021 Plescia, C. (2021). Voters’ short-term responsiveness to coalition deals. Party Politics, 1–12. doi: 10.1177/13540688211029794 substantive research
2021 Bäck, H., Müller, W. C., Angelova, M., & Strobl, D. (2021). Ministerial Autonomy, Parliamentary Scrutiny and Government Reform Output in Parliamentary Democracies. Comparative Political Studies, 1–33. doi: 10.1177/00104140211024312 substantive research
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2021 Chiru, M., & Winter, L. D. (2021). The Allocation of Committee Chairs and the Oversight of Coalition Cabinets in Belgium. Government And Opposition, 1–16. doi: 10.1017/gov.2021.27 substantive research
2021 Hieda, T. (2021). Linking electoral realignment to welfare politics: an assessment of partisan effects on active labour market policy in post-industrial democracies. Comparative European Politics. doi: 10.1057/s41295-021-00246-5 substantive research
2021 Allen, N., & Bara, J. (2021). Clear Blue Water? The 2019 Party Manifestos. The Political Quarterly. doi: 10.1111/1467-923X.13009 substantive research
2021 Lisi, M. (2021). Labour and left-wing parties’ programmatic orientations: salience, valence and the impact of the Great Recession. European Politics And Society, 1–19. doi: 10.1080/23745118.2021.1935579 substantive research
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2021 Emanuele, V. (2021). Lost in Translation? Class Cleavage Roots and Left Electoral Mobilization in Western Europe. Perspectives On Politics, 1–19. doi: 10.1017/S1537592721000943 substantive research
2021 Heiberger, R., Majó-Vázquez, S., Castro Herrero, L., Nielsen, R. K., & Esser, F. (2021). Do Not Blame the Media! The Role of Politicians and Parties in Fragmenting Online Political Debate. The International Journal Of Press/Politics, 1–32. doi: 10.1177/19401612211015122 substantive research
2021 Georgiadou, V., & Mavropoulou, J. (2021). Anti-Establishment Parties in Government: syriza-anel Policy-Making Match between the Radical Left and the Radical Right. Southeastern Europe, 45(1), 19–47. doi: 10.30965/18763332-45010003 substantive research
2021 Osnabrügge, M., Hobolt, S. B., & Rodon, T. (2021). Playing to the Gallery: Emotive Rhetoric in Parliaments. American Political Science Review, 1–15. doi: 10.1017/S0003055421000356 substantive research
2021 Haesebrouck, T. (2021). NATO Burden Sharing after the Wales Summit: A Generalized Set Qualitative Analysis. Defence And Peace Economics, 1–18. doi: 10.1080/10242694.2021.1928435 substantive research
2020 Allern, E. H., Hansen, V. W., Marshall, D., Rasmussen, A., & Webb, P. D. (2020). Competition and interaction: Party ties to interest groups in a multidimensional policy space. European Journal Of Political Research, 60(2), 275–294. doi: 10.1111/1475-6765.12403 substantive research
2021 Røed, M. (2021). Party goals and interest group influence on parties. West European Politics, 1–26. doi: 10.1080/01402382.2021.1921496 substantive research
2021 Polacko, M. (2021). The rightward shift and electoral decline of social democratic parties under increasing inequality. West European Politics, 1–28. doi: 10.1080/01402382.2021.1916294 substantive research
2021 Finseraas, H., & Strøm, M. (2021). Voter responses to refugee arrivals: Effects of settlement policy. European Journal Of Political Research, 1–20. doi: 10.1111/1475-6765.12461 substantive research
2021 Onderco, M., & Joosen, R. (2021). Dimensionality of Party Politics of Foreign Policy: Spatial Modeling of Slovakia's National Council. Foreign Policy Analysis, 17(3), 1–12. doi: 10.1093/fpa/orab012 substantive research
2021 Koedam, J. (2021). A change of heart? Analysing stability and change in European party positions. West European Politics, 1–23. doi: 10.1080/01402382.2021.1915659 substantive research
2021 Crosson, J. M., & Tsebelis, G. (2021). Multiple vote electoral systems: a remedy for political polarization. Journal Of European Public Policy, 1–21. doi: 10.1080/13501763.2021.1901962 substantive research
2021 Poyet, C. (2021). Personalised Representation in a Weak and Party-Controlled Legislature: Policy Responsiveness in the French Parliament. Political Studies Review, 1–17. doi: 10.1177/14789299211007987 substantive research
2021 Polacko, M. (2021). Inequality, policy polarization and the income gap in turnout. Party Politics, 1–16. doi: 10.1177/13540688211011924 substantive research
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2021 Charalambous, G., Conti, N., & Pedrazzani, A. (2021). Issue salience and party competition in Southern Europe before and after the Euro crisis: the primacy of the economy holding back cultural issues. Journal Of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 1–20. doi: 10.1080/17457289.2021.1908312 substantive research
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2021 Höhmann, D., & Krauss, S. (2021). Complements or Substitutes? The Interdependence between Coalition Agreements and Parliamentary Questions as Monitoring Mechanisms in Coalition Governments. Parliamentary Affairs, 1–29. doi: 10.1093/pa/gsab002 substantive research
2021 Snegovaya, M. (2021). Fellow travelers or Trojan horses? Similarities across pro-Russian parties’ electorates in Europe. Party Politics, 1–10. doi: 10.1177/1354068821995813 substantive research
2021 Ibenskas, R., & Polk, J. (2021). Party Responsiveness to Public Opinion in Young Democracies. Political Studies, 1–20. doi: 10.1177/0032321721993635 substantive research
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2021 Homola, J. (2021). The Effects of Women's Descriptive Representation on Government Behavior. Legislative Studies Quarterly. doi: substantive research
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2021 Ecker, A., Jenny, M., Müller, W. C., & Praprotnik, K. (2021). How and why party position estimates from manifestos, expert, and party elite surveys diverge. A comparative analysis of the ‘left–right’ and the ‘European integration’ dimensions. Party Politics, 1–13. doi: 10.1177/1354068821990298 methodological research
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2021 Müller, M., & König, P. D. (2021). Timing in Opposition Party Support under Minority Government. Scandinavian Political Studies, 1467–9477.12195. doi: 10.1111/1467-9477.12195 substantive research
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2021 Bergmann, H., Bäck, H., & Saalfeld, T. (2021). Party-system polarisation, legislative institutions and cabinet survival in 28 parliamentary democracies, 1945–2019. West European Politics, 1–19. doi: 10.1080/01402382.2020.1870345 substantive research
2021 Manwaring, R., & Holloway, J. (2021). A New Wave of Social Democracy? Policy Change across the Social Democratic Party Family, 1970s–2010s. Government And Opposition, 1–21. doi: 10.1017/gov.2020.33 substantive research
2021 Jensen, C., & Vestergaard, M. B. (2021). Government responsiveness to voters’ economic vulnerabilities: evidence from 17 European democracies. West European Politics, 1–19. doi: 10.1080/01402382.2020.1861822 substantive research
2021 Hesstvedt, S., & Christiansen, P. M. (2021). The politics of policy inquiry commissions: Denmark and Norway, 1971-2017. West European Politics, 1–25. doi: 10.1080/01402382.2020.1858597 substantive research
2019 Conti, N., Pedrazzani, A., & Russo, F. (2019). Raising the flag among the ruins: the crisis as helping hand for opposition parties? Italian Political Science Review/Rivista Italiana Di Scienza Politica, 49(3), 293–309. doi: 10.1017/ipo.2019.9 substantive research
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